Hey beautiful lovelies this one is for you — Well all of these are for you but this one especially is for you and your heart and your life.

Going into Valentine’s Day can suck pretty bad especially for those of us in imperfect relationships or living the single life.

It can feel like a big red sign pointing to our failure at love and at life.

But here is the thing…. Love is not a date or an event or a relationships status.

Love is the process of developing the habit of choosing to see the best in yourself and in your partner or partners even at the worst of times.

So despite how shitty your V-Day is shaping up to be remember to seek out the best in you and in your partner even when one of your forgets the day and even if you are spending this one alone.

Take it from me (I’ve been dumped on Valentine’s Day before) one day you will look back and you will laugh at how much stress you put on yourself on this day.

So to all my single ladies and fellas and all of my fellow lovers in imperfect relationships this one is to remind us of what love is and what it is we are celebrating this week.

I love you very much,